ORANGE – Orange County Transportation Authority Chairwoman Lisa Bartlett recently announced the OCTA board’s strategic initiatives for 2018, concentrating on delivering capital projects, developing sustainable transportation plans and ensuring fiscal responsibility.
Each of the six initiatives outlines specific projects that are targeted for completion by the end of the year.
“We are looking forward to a very productive 2018 and these initiatives reflect the board’s solid focus on delivering project and programs that make it easier and more efficient to get around Orange County,” said Chairwoman Bartlett, also the Fifth District supervisor.
The initiatives include:
- Delivering capital projects by advancing construction on I-5 and I-405 projects, kicking off construction of the OC Streetcar project, and commissioning into service OCTA’s first hydrogen fueling station.
- Maximizing funding opportunities by executing the OC Streetcar New Starts grant agreement, seeking fair distribution of Senate Bill 1 (SB-1) funding to Orange County projects and awarding Measure M grants to community-based transit services.
- Developing sustainable transportation plans by finalizing the Long Range Transportation Plan, setting a long-term vision through the countywide Transit Master Plan and completing the first countywide active transportation plan.
- Strengthening regional partnerships by collaborating with L.A. Metro on regional plans and updating the State Route 91 Implementation Plan with the Riverside County Transportation Commission.
- Modernizing transit services by launching OC Flex on-demand service pilot projects, integrating hydrogen fuel-cell buses into the fleet and completing installation of bus mobile-ticket readers.
- Championing fiscal responsibility by updating the 20-year comprehensive business plan, approving a collective-bargaining agreement for coach operators and ensuring success of the Measure M Next 10 delivery plan.