Congestion Management
Adopted: November 22, 2021
In June 1990, Proposition 111 was passed, which made additional funding available for transportation projects through a nine cent increase in the state gas tax and mandated that each county with 50,000 or more residents develop a Congestion Management Program (CMP). As Orange County’s designated Congestion Management Agency (CMA), OCTA is responsible for the conformance monitoring and biennial updating of Orange County’s CMP.
Although the passage of AB 2419 (statutes of 1996) provided an opportunity to opt out of the CMP process, OCTA’s Board of Directors elected to continue with it because the data helps to satisfy federal Congestion Management Plan requirements and similar efforts were required as part of the Measure M Growth Management Program (GMP). Although the GMP ended with the sunset of Measure M in 2011, the CMP remains relevant as a requirement for local jurisdictions to receive Measure M2 funds.